
Photo Gallery

Recently, I created a photo gallery with my personal photos. The gallery is fashioned only as preview for fast look-up. It contains only non-processed images. I think that it would be better than current state when I'm buffering images somewhere on disk(s). Images which waits for detailed image processing (panoramas, various image operations, etc), can be public available by this way.

The gallery is generated as a static web pages by llgal. The generation is very fast. It needs only manually download images from camera and running of some scripts. I have checked also photon which do similar job, but neither full-evening hacking didn't fit my requirements on
appearance and functionality.

All images, in the galleries, are generated from RAW Canon files by dcraw and convert (Imagemagic). As output format, I choose JPEG to importantly reduce image sizes for fast browsing. The quality is poor, but images are small.

for A in *.CR2;
# from RAW to 1000x666 pixel JPG
dcraw -c -f -q 3 -w -h $A | convert - -geometry 1000 ${A%CR2}jpg
# add copyright
composite -dissolve 30 -gravity SouthEast copyright.png ${A%CR2}jpg ${A%CR2}jpg

An important parameter for dcraw is -w which set color temperature from parameters supplied by a camera. It is important: when I have set the color temperate to a different one, my older images are toned to red. That is because of dcraw default uses 6500 (for D65 illuminant). I have set the temperature according of Sun (5700) which is bad idea because of illuminant D65 have no thermal spectral flux density.

I'm adding a signature to every image as L.Lessig recommends. The signature itself is created as a muster by the command:

convert -size 80x17 xc:none -font Courier-Bold -pointsize 14 \
-stroke black -strokewidth 5 -annotate +4+12 '© F.Jetel' \
-fill white -blur 0x4 -stroke none -annotate +4+12 '© F.Jetel' \

and added with composite command (above in processing loop) to images. The signature image has transparent background (xc:none), and some decoration (options -stroke and -blur). The signature is partially transparent when it added to images to suppress thickness (-dissolve).

For documentation purposes it is important include useful information about images. Unfortunately, JPEGs created by dcraw conversion has removed an important information as a time of exposure etc. So I'm adding selected exif information to JPEGs via exiftool:

exiftool -tagsfromfile "%d%f.CR2" -r -ext jpg .

From files prepared by the described way, it is possible create of a gallery by the command:

llgal -f --exif "FileName,ImageWidth,ImageHeight,CameraModelName,CreateDate,ExposureTime,ISO,FocalLength,LensType" --title "Geminidy 2009" --cf

Also, for updating of list of galleries, I'm using the command:

llgal -L -S --exclude copyright.png --title "Photo Gallery"

That's all. Please, change the name in copyright when you will copy my scripts to your galleries.


Munipack vs. Mercurial

I uploaded Munipack's source version tree to Google's Mercurial repository a few minutes ago. The step has been invoked by idea to provide of a public access of current code changes via Google's version repository. Munipack's archive is accessible on Google's code:


I'd used classic CVS before two weeks ago. Unfortunately, Google doesn't offers CVS, so I explored SVN, Mercurial and Git. Therefore I explored these version systems. By my opinion, SVN isn't step forward. Features of both (CVS vs. SVN) overlaps and the turnover practically offers only different codes (aliases) for operations.

Both Mercurial and Git are acceptable and with an excellent design. The selection Mercurial vs. Git is really difficult. Finally, I selected the Mercurial only for its wider portability, which is really important for me (and also for Mercurial's simple usage and nice guide).

Beginning experiences are really amazing. The most important for me is absolute free modification of the code. It's possible to work on two or more parts of code together, so I can simply focus on an problem (feature) which I'm thinking about. The development is more free from causality now and I can do more risky actions without any fear.

The publishing of source code make a possibility to simply provide of two branches of Munipack. A stable branch created from a taged running version tree and a development branch with an experimental code.

Also, it opens door for an independent developing...


Homepage, community and distribution update

Since February, I'm working hard on new properties of Munipack. A long-time fine tuning of parameters of fitspng was the initial impulse for me. I spend a lot of time (hours) with selection of appropriate values to get a naturally looking picture.

Of course, this is fault of any command line interface. So I've started working on a GUI to Munipack. It inspired me to did some additional changes.

I think, that is one of ways to pass my photometric experiences to next generations. A software in action, together with a source code, may help me describe all details of methods. They will illustrate more preciselly than a natural language. Any white-paper or a web article can't fully describe implementation details. From this point of view, Munipack is a part of my mind and experiences.


The past-looking homepage of Munipack has been replaced to a new one. Its style is improved version of Nightview's homepage. All pages are static and they are generated directly from my version system one per day.

I also moved main Munipack site to this new address:

to highlight connection between Munipack and Masaryk university using of .muni.cz domain. The original name is inspired by DAOPHOT originated at Dominion Astronomical Observatory. The -pack suffix means that a set routines isn't focused only to a specific photometry task.

Community site

I founded Munipack's side on Google code:

The site provides two important tools. Wiki which can be used by anybody to write some descriptions, experiences or to summarize some procedure of data processing useful for others. I'm expecting that the wiki will used generally for astronomical image processing. I'm will very gladly when Munipack will used for the processing.

Google code also offers a bug-tracking system. It is an ideal place for reporting bugs and feature requests. I think that will provide for me some better arrangement of development needs.

I think that a mailing list may be very useful to Munipack. So I also founded the Google group for Munipack:

Again, It is intended for a general discuss about the astronomical photometry and I will greet with using of Munipack for this work.

Binary distribution

While average Munipack user is not familiar with a code compilation process, I'm providing binary distribution packages. At the time, only Linux 32-bit and 64-bit packages are generated from Munipack's source tree. The installation itself is really simple like installation of a Linux game. Unfortunately, the distributed binaries occupies a lot of space because they must contain wxWidgets, libpng and cfitsio libraries.

The binary distribution tree stores two sets of binaries. The bin/ directory contains statically linked routines. They will work without any system setup. Opposite with this, the lib/munipack/bin/ contains shared binaries which needs libraries linked against in a system or a specified directory. The setup is done via a shell script in bin/ directory.

Binary installators are created with help of Makeself utility. The packaging itself is done on base of ideas published in that article: Linux Game Development by Troy Hepfner.

The output binaries will probably work on any modern Linux. I haven't resources to directly prepare of packages for a specific Linux distribution like Ubuntu, Mandriva, Fedora etc. The script to generate of the binary packages is included in source distribution in dist/.

In any case, I still recommends source code installation including compilation itself. The advantages are:
  • smaller binaries, optionally with tuning
  • better setup of optimization, be faster
Especially, the compiled binaries are smaller and uses system libraries (usually optimized). They are occupied both less disk storage and a computer memory. The optimization on a target platform and a processor can significantly speed up of run. Especially using of advanced instructions (SSE,..) on 32-bit processors, which are not switched on by default, can be important.

Also, I strongly recommends use of Intel Fortran compiler (ifc) which strongly boost run. Unfortunately, binaries created by ifc can't be freely distributed. Ones are created by GNU tools: gfortran and C, C++ compilers.


Munipack is in rapid development phase now. You can find bugs, a strange behavior or something like this. Also anything can be changed.


Recent progress in RAWTRAN

There is a summary of last progress in rawtran (see previous posts: Dec 2008, Jan 2008).

I specified more precissely of the definition of the FITS color format. Be inspired by PNG format (libpng), I introduced a new keyword to the first dummy header


by PNG_COLOR_TYPE_* to be setup to (string) value RGB for color FITSes. It will be useful for any software to easy recognize of the color format. Also the definition require additional condition on size of the images that is required to be equal for all color bands.

Another change is replace of the CBALANCE header keyword in header by the keyword COLORBAL (COLOR_BALANCE) with the same meaning. I think, it will be put better understanding to users. The CBALANCE is now obsolete and I don't expect any back-compatibility.

I added another type of conversion. The new type 4 produces multi-band FITS file including of all four Bayer colors in separated FITS image arrays. The type provides absolutely raw access to RAW data. It is another multi-band FITS different of the color type.

Some additional changes has been included to rawtran recently:
  • Cleanup of code.
  • CREATOR keyword.
  • EXIF information by dcraw is written in the header block with "begin" and "end" delimiters to be simple parsed.
  • Update of man page.
  • Run-time detection of dcraw.
  • A switch to pass additional parameters to dcraw.

It is still uncertain of the true meaning of Daylight and camera multipliers provided by camera and its meaning on a color white balance.

This post is a small virtual present to anniversary of FITS format which has been established exactly 30 years ago.


Crumbling walls of Děvín

We had a trip onto ruins of Děvín (Dívčí hrad aka Castle of maid aka Maidberk aka Maidenburg) on mount of Pavlovské vrchy (Pálava, Pavlov's mountains) at Saturday.I acquired a panorama view of dam Nové Mlýny and a part of South Moravia with on top of the crumbling walls. A small village near center of the image is Dolní Věstonice, where prof. K. Absolon found the prehistoric nude sculpture now known as Věstonická venuše. All area under the mounts has been the first part of human settlement on Moravia.

The panoramatic view from Crumbling walls of Děvín. The large version by RAW pictures can be compared to one by JPEGs adjusted by Canon EOS 30D. Is a pastel better than reality?

We also visited a next airport near of Strachotín. It has a nice horizon profile. Unfortunately, a gas station is on the east. Any zodiacal light has not been detected again and the Venus's shadows may be visible, but not by us.

Two Venuses on west in large. The zodiacal light is not visible (?) due clouds.

Pálava at night. Děvín is at peak on left. The clouds on right over Pálava are illuminated by Mikulov town.

Lights on east. The most intensive source is probably a gas station.

Brno on horizon on north at distance about 30km.

Thx for nice accompany to Maceška.


Approximations of a sidereal time

A precision of computation of a sidereal time has been arouse curiosity of me during last days. So I experimented with formulas on the page Approximate Sidereal Time. I compared of computed GMST, the low GMST version ( GMST = 18.697… + 24.0657…D) and GAST with data by Horizons ephemeris. The enclosed graph represents of final results. The functions shows residuals of the computed sidereal times minus Horizons's ephemeris in time the interval from 2000 to 2050. For example, the red line represents of the difference: GAST - Horizon.

Comparison of sidereal time approximations. Click for SVG version.

As we can see that GAST is a perfect approximation for general purposes. But the GMST's approximations are also acceptable. The GMST is not corrected for a nutation with period of 18.6 year and one is nicely visualised by a big wave. A rapid wave superposed onto the nutation period is demonstration of annual orbit of Earth. Strangle breaks at 2006.0 and 2009.0 are effect of the adding of leap seconds. The low precision GMST approximation has visible differences, with respect to GMST, only at the end of the time interval.

  • To compute of sidereal time with low precision use of the low precision formula: GMST = 18.697374558 + 24.06570982441908 D, where 18.697… is sidereal time of the reference time 2000-01-01 at 0 UT, 24.0657… is a ratio of synodic and sidereal periods of Earth and D is days (and its fractions) since the reference time.


An evening with Venus

The extraordinary brightness of Venus as the evening star invoke many assorted fantasies. Lovers dreams about a paradise on the Venus, which is an island in the universe darkness. For peoples believing on Martians, Venus setting appears as a landing of its spacecraft. Venus looks as in fast motion, especially, when Venus is observed in some clouds. Venus setting can be also very impressive for painters, photographers and astronomers. The magic performance of ambient light, twilight sky, surroundings and Venus itself offers the absolutely extraordinary experience.

I spend one evening with Venus by observing of the setting and many days and evenings with processing (and related business) of acquired images. My primary goal of the observation was pointed on visual demonstration of an astronomical refraction. The follow-up processing has been inspired me to mining more information from collected images.


To acquire of nice sequence of refracted Venus, I selected Kotvrdovice's airport what I visited some time ago. The place offers relative good altitude about 560 meters over sea level, so I expected perfect horizon together with a separated place available by a car. Kojál top at proximity has the no separation, place to parking and is close to a road. The expecting Venus setting point is situated in direction of south part of Moravian Karst with low air (light) pollution.

View Larger Map

I pitch my tripod at point 16:47:20.1 E, 49:21:52.1 N. The place is on a rural road and on a local ridge near of a hunter's hide. The first snapped image shows a scenery at moment after my arrival.

The first image.

I manually grabbed a set of images for every minute with start about 15:35 UT and finish at 17:18 UT (but see next note!). Total 101 images has been acquired. Canon EOS 30D has been used with lens EF-S 18-55mm, f/5.7 without any zoom, ISO 1600, a minimal diaphragm. Exposures times has been changed during a light fade of the twilight as I completed into the table:

15:35-15:49 15 1/100
15:50-16:00 9 1/10
16:01-16:15 13 1/2
16:16-16:39 23 4
16:40-17:18 38 8

An air view to Kotvrdovice's airport. The hide is on left part between the airport's facility and a wood. Kojál transmitter at left top corner, a village Krásensko at top, a small part of Senetářov and Kotvrdovice on right edge from top to bottom (in this order).

Time non-synchronisation

Unfortunately, I forget done any time synchronisation of a interval clock of the camera before or after of the trip. So precise time synchronisation is lost forever. Fortunately, I check of time on my mobile phone at start of observation but for information purposes only, without required (on second) precision. It means that all times are considered to be inaccurate (± 30sec). The relative precision is better than 1 sec.


I acquired all images manually by clicking of button on Canon's body. So I expected that the images can be each other shifted. Therefore, I used the translation property of a cross correlation of Fourier transformation of images to precise co-add of all images to same origin. So, I created of the forward FFT of reference and working copy images. The Hanning window function has been used for bottom part of original images. The phase-correlation and backward FFT followed. Finally, shifts has been computed as centroids of delta function-like peak.

Shifts has been released only for integer segments. I expecting that precision would be not grow, if a non-integer shifts will be used and interpolation would be degrade sharp features of the output image.

An example of sum of images with and without shifts is shown on the zoomed subimage. The image on the left is simple co-add of all images while the right image shows shifted and co-added images. In my opinion, the careful preprocessing leaded to a little bit sharper picture.

The displacement of color layers worked well when I used all colors together of weighted by white multiplication factors (eg. on grayscale images). Initially, I tried to get shifts for every color layer individually and than compute the mean between its. I expected a fine shift due to Bayer mask, but the shift showed some random behavior as a perhaps product of a noise.

The final image has been created by a method analogous to Iris function ADD_MAX by Ch. Buil. Simply, the output image is not only sum (or mean) of two images but one gets the brighter pixel of images. The method grows intensity of a potentially moving inter-image object (Venus). Without this, the Venus trace will be lose on evening sky. However, final colors of the (variable) sky background may be very strange.

The white balance parameters provided by the camera gives not satisfactory color balance. Therefore I equalized the image by hand. Usually on a white object on images like Venus or by automatic way with -fr parameter of fitspng.

The most important part of the processing is on base of my specific routines. I'm attaching link for an inspiration.

Venus setting on 15 Nov. 2008 . This composed image shows track of Venus (central body) above south-west horizon at Kotvrdovice's (CZ) airport. The chain of pearls has origin in short exposures of Venus in one-minute intervals. We can see that the finish of observed path is raised with respect to expected (by following of beginning part) one. It is exhibition of the astronomical refraction of the light in Earth's atmosphere. The track also shows decreasing of amount of the light and its reddening during the setting. Both effects are product of scattering and absorption of light in air. Read the post for detailed description.

Astrometric calibration

The astrometric calibration has been done by Gaia software on grayscale version of one of latest images including some stars. The calibration shows that a projection of the lens is gnomonical with precision better than 2-3 arcmin/pixels. A scale is 0.0165 deg/pix = 0.99 '/pix (minute per pixel). A field of view is 29°×19°. The center of the calibrated image is at coordinates 19:13, -26:00 at 17:17 UT (time epoch). Equatorial coordinates has been rotated about 25° to image's coordinates. The image itself is rotated around vertical (horizontal coordinates) by approximate 1°. The parameters are visualised on the image:

Astronomical refraction

The main goal of my work is to show effect of the astronomical refraction. It can be easy obtained by observing of any point source in time, but when the object downwards really slowly with acute angle to horizon, the observed path may be visibly deviated from non-refracted one. The deflection is nicely demonstrated on annotated images:

Technically, the refraction can be described on a graph of dependence between the observed and the true (not affected by the refraction) zenith distance of some object. The expected values has been computed by a standard way from linearly interpolated coordinates of Venus by NASA's Horizonts. It agrees with values by Xephem.

Measured coordinates has been derived from grayscaled images. I estimated centroids of Venus by the weighted mean. The error of the determination is order of tenth of pixels/arcmin.

The next step is computation of the zenith distance (or elevation) of Venus. In principle we can use two methods:
  • Plain. Using by a scale and a simple geometry, we determine distances in pixels of Venus and horizon. The Euclidean geometry with only rotations and translations is used.
  • Gnomonic. Using by known rectangular coordinates and the gnomonic transformation, we determine equatorial coordinates together with transformed to horizontal coordinates.
Both methods may include some systematic errors. Simple plain geometry has known deviations from spherical coordinates when angles gets values over five degrees. The gnomonic transformation fits spherical coordinates by the better way, but we are not sure that our object lens display some scene by the expected way.

The results of both methods of determination zenith distance from photographic plate are plotted in refraction graph. The plain method shows nonlinear great residua and it is clearly unusable. The gnomonic method is little bit better but there are still great differences.

I also plot of Bennett's approximation of the refraction formula according to Astronomical Algorithms by J. Meeus. Other simple refraction laws on base of tangents of the zenith distance (one or tree order) are unusable in the range of observed quantities.

The visible discrepancy between the approximation and observation has unclear origin. The statistical errors are visualised by random noise. I notices relative higher noise on beginning of observation how it vanished when the ratio of signal to noise is growing. I expected that the refraction will affected by some clouds near of the horizon. Nevertheless, the appropriate part of the measured curve is nicely smooth.

The discrepancy is not due to uncertainly on time determination (the change a few minutes minute slightly modified profile but not importantly). It is also valid for changes in an atmospheric pressure and an ambient temperature.

Only for information, I tried to fit the data by any way. A final fit is a set of points tightly reproducing of the Bennett's approximation. The fit has two free parameters: The relative time between the astrometry approximation and observation times has been changed relative about minute (this is principally incorrectly). The change leaded to a little bit deflection of refractive curve so the profile is more similar to the Bennett's approximation. As second free parameter, a vertical shift of 7 pixels/arcmin has been used (also it is uncorrected again).

My own hypothesis of explaining of the measurements is a non-precise model of the (gnomonical) projection. Firstly, I assumed that the projection is gnomonical on full area of the chip. The assumption may be wrong. The gnomonic projection strongly deforms area elements far from center of projection. Therefore, manufacturers can use any different kind of the projection. For example, some "mean" between the gnomonic and a stereographic projection may be used. Secondly, the fitting routine of Gaia assumed such model of the gnomonical projection which have different scales in Right Ascension and Declination, but my images are deformed in some another direction. The images are squeezed in the vertical direction by the refraction. It leads us to use of a model which will be correctly describe the refraction during of gnomonic projection determination. Simply, we can say that the vertical scale will not be more linear, but it will varied with the zenith distance. The construction of the model will not complicated but I abandoned its due to some uncertainty in the time determination and due to low number of stars near of horizon, so I assume, that the corrected method will not give significantly better results.

The refraction itself is a very fascinating field of applied optics. I recommends visit of wikipedia page and pages of Andrew T. Young about refraction.


When the light of a setting object pass trough layers of atmosphere, the observer can detect an exponential attenuation of light together with a color change of the object. Both effect are clearly visible on composed image above.

I think than more better visualisation is represented by a standard photometric analysis of images. By the way, I done an aperture photometry by obvious method (simpler version of one implemented in Munipack). The output magnitudes has been normalized by exposure time and calibrated by the known extratmospheric visual magnitude (again by Horizont) of Venus in G band. I didn't used color balance factors and subtract of a dark frame because the ambient temperature varied about ten degrees. I only subtracted a bias of images which I assumed on level 128 for a RAW image.

The spectral sensitivity of Canon EOS 30D is not available. Therefore, I assumed that the property is similar to one of EOS 300D. I approximated the sensitivity in R band by Gaussian with its center on 600 nm and its half-width about 30 nm, G band as then rectangle with the height 100% and in the range 500 - 600 nm and B band as the rectangle with the height 75% and the width 430 - 480nm. By the way, I get correction color indexes as 0.27, 0, -0.38 for R, G, and B magnitudes and a black body on the temperature of Sun. The reliability is low, so the color indexes may contains systematic deviations of order of tenth magnitude.

The instrumental magnitudes has been calibrated via extinction lines in range of 9 to 30 airmasses. To estimate of the airmass I used formula by (perhaps) Young(1994) , see also article on wikipedia. The least square fitting gives following values extinction coefficients in all bands:

B 0.188± 0.003
G 0.114 ± 0.004
R 0.090 ± 0.003

The first part of graph doesn't follow the extinction law and the magnitudes are perhaps absurd. I think that this is the demonstration of effect described in my previous post. It is simply due to extremal height level of background with comparison to the light signal of Venus.

Sky's brightness

The last graph shows surface magnitude of sky near of top of my images (at elevation ten degrees). I selected a rectangular angular area with constant position. The selected magnitudes shows expected profile. The uncertainty may by a few of tenth of magnitude. The values in minimum are a few magnitudes over natural sky. It may be due to really dark sky when the camera detect thermal noise only or the sky may be illuminated by a near village or a town. Note that when Venus set, the Moon has raised on opposite point of the sky.

Color index

The last graph shows dependence of color indexes on time. I note that the numbers has different base than classical astronomical color bands. Only relative changes can by surly determined from the profiles.

The profiles of Venus shows strong evidence for reddening as we expected from visual determination. The graph shows that the reddening may by two magnitudes which mean 5x more light in blue is absorbed or scattered.

The color index of the sky is strongly different. It means that blue sky has arrived more red color. The color of sky is not more blue during a night. This is also bring out the color of the sky on composed image. The sky color is some kind of mean of the color index.

Thx to Fantom for many suggestive ideas.

The post is dedicated to Vladimír Znojil, my diploma thesis supervisor, which died on 29 Dec. 2008.